
Scientific chemistry calculator
Scientific chemistry calculator

scientific chemistry calculator

  • Elementary Education: Science Subtest (5005) ( tutorial for Science Subtest: Test Code 5005).
  • Elementary Education: Three Subject Bundle-Mathematics Subtest (5903) ( tutorial for Elementary Education: Three Subject Bundle-Mathematics: Test Code 5903).
  • Elementary Education: Mathematics Subtest (5003) ( tutorial for Elementary Education: Mathematics Subtest: Test Code 5003).
  • Elementary Education: Content Knowledge (5018) ( tutorial for Elementary Education: Content Knowledge: Test Code 5018).
  • A tutorial is available so that you may practice using the on-screen calculator before your test day. The tests use the TI-30XS MultiView ™ calculator. The following Praxis tests provide an on-screen scientific calculator. Test taker-supplied calculators are not permitted for Praxis tests that offer on-screen calculators. Tests That Provide an On-screen Calculator In addition, the use of any hardware peripherals is not allowed.
  • Models that have a camera, scanning capability or digital audio/video player recording/player capability.
  • Models that can access the internet OR have wireless or Bluetooth ® capability.
  • Models that require an electrical outlet.

    Models with QWERTY or other alphabetic keypads as part of hardware or software.

    scientific chemistry calculator

    Calculators on any phones, watches or other electronic devices.Models with pen-input/stylus/touch-screen capability.The following are not permitted on Praxis tests: Types of Calculators That Are Not Permitted A graphing calculator is not permitted for this test. One is not provided at the testing center. You must bring your own calculator to the testing center. You may use a four-function or scientific calculator for the Middle School: Content Knowledge (5146) test, though you are not required to do so. Tests That Permit the Use of a Calculator In general, unless it is specifically stated that a particular type of calculator is permitted or required for a particular test, calculators may not be used on any Praxis test. Tests That Do Not Permit Use of a Calculator Test takers are not permitted to share calculators. Unless it is specifically stated that a calculator is permitted for a particular test, calculators may not be used. Graphing, scientific and four-function calculators are permitted or are provided for some Praxis ® tests.

    Scientific chemistry calculator